You Are Wrong If You Think You Cannot Live Without Love. I Cannot Live Without It. I Do Not Mean That I Go Into A Decline, Develop Odd Symptoms, Became A Caricature. I Mean That I Cannot Live Well Without It. I Cannot Think Or Act Or Speak Or Write Or Even Dream With Any Kind Of Energy In The Absence Of Love. I Feel Excluded From The Living World. I Become Cold, Fish-like, Immobile. I Implode.
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You Are Wrong If You Think You
Anita Brookner
You Are Wrong If You Think You Cannot Live Without Love. I Cannot Live Without It. I Do Not Mean That I Go Into A Decline, Develop Odd Symptoms, Became A Caricature. I Mean That I Cannot Live Well Without It. I Cannot Think Or Act Or Speak Or Write Or Even Dream With Any Kind Of Energy In The Absence Of Love. I Feel Excluded From The Living World. I Become Cold, Fish-like, Immobile. I Implode.
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