And So [my Brother] Gilbert And I, Brought Up Without A Formal Religion, Remained Throughout Our Lifetimes Just What Father Was, Freethinkers. And, Likewise, Doubters And Dissenters And Perhaps Utopians. Father's Rule Had Been 'question Everything, Take Nothing For Granted,' And I Never Outlived It, And I Would Suggest It Be Made The Motto Of A World Journalists' Association.
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And So [my Brother] Gilbert And I,

George Seldes
And So [my Brother] Gilbert And I, Brought Up Without A Formal Religion, Remained Throughout Our Lifetimes Just What Father Was, Freethinkers. And, Likewise, Doubters And Dissenters And Perhaps Utopians. Father's Rule Had Been 'question Everything, Take Nothing For Granted,' And I Never Outlived It, And I Would Suggest It Be Made The Motto Of A World Journalists' Association.
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