The True Historian, Therefore, Seeking To Compose A True Picture Of The Thing Acted, Must Collect Facts And Combine Facts. Methods Will Differ, Styles Will Differ. Nobody Ever Does Anything Like Anybody Else; But The End In View Is Generally The Same, And The Historian's End Is Truthful Narration. Maxims He Will Have, If He Is Wise, Never A One; And As For A Moral, If He Tell His Story Well, It Will Need None; If He Tell It Ill, It Will Deserve None.
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The True Historian, Therefore, Seeking To Compose
Augustine Birrell
The True Historian, Therefore, Seeking To Compose A True Picture Of The Thing Acted, Must Collect Facts And Combine Facts. Methods Will Differ, Styles Will Differ. Nobody Ever Does Anything Like Anybody Else; But The End In View Is Generally The Same, And The Historian's End Is Truthful Narration. Maxims He Will Have, If He Is Wise, Never A One; And As For A Moral, If He Tell His Story Well, It Will Need None; If He Tell It Ill, It Will Deserve None.
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