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Only Someone As Puffed Up And Demented As John Maynard Keynes, Every Left Wing Fascist's Sainted Mentor In This Connection, Could Manage To Convince Himself That Taxing America's Productive Class Can Restore It To Prosperity. In Point Of Fact, It's Like Screwing For Chastity, Guzzling Alcohol For Sobriety, Or Gorging To Fight Gluttony. It's Like Killing Indiscriminately For Peace - Oops, Democrats, Republicans And Their Moral And Spiritual Ilk Have Devoutly Believed That Particular Bit Of Perverse Nonsense Since At Least The War Of 1812.
-L. Neil Smith
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Only Someone As Puffed Up And Demented

L. Neil Smith
Only Someone As Puffed Up And Demented As John Maynard Keynes, Every Left Wing Fascist's Sainted Mentor In This Connection, Could Manage To Convince Himself That Taxing America's Productive Class Can Restore It To Prosperity. In Point Of Fact, It's Like Screwing For Chastity, Guzzling Alcohol For Sobriety, Or Gorging To Fight Gluttony. It's Like Killing Indiscriminately For Peace - Oops, Democrats, Republicans And Their Moral And Spiritual Ilk Have Devoutly Believed That Particular Bit Of Perverse Nonsense Since At Least The War Of 1812.
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