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Look At The Global Warming Issue. Why Are The Left So Angry? They Appear To Be Getting Everything They Want. The Pope's On Their Side. Big Governments Are On Their Side. The United Nations Is On Their Side, But We Aren't And They're Lived. And Who Do They Focus On? The Deniers. And Who Are They Trying To Destroy? The Deniers. They Cannot Tolerate. They Will Not Tolerate. They Cannot Handle Dissent. They Don't Want It.
-Rush Limbaugh
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Look At The Global Warming Issue. Why

Rush Limbaugh
Look At The Global Warming Issue. Why Are The Left So Angry? They Appear To Be Getting Everything They Want. The Pope's On Their Side. Big Governments Are On Their Side. The United Nations Is On Their Side, But We Aren't And They're Lived. And Who Do They Focus On? The Deniers. And Who Are They Trying To Destroy? The Deniers. They Cannot Tolerate. They Will Not Tolerate. They Cannot Handle Dissent. They Don't Want It.
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