It's Simply Cheaper To Operate The Business Offshore Than It Is Domestically Because Of The Tax Rate, 35%, Which Is Higher Than Anywhere Else In The Industrialized World. And One Of The Things The Trump Team Says They're Gonna Do Is Lower That To 15%. And If They Do, Folks, You Haven't Seen Anything Yet. If They Succeed In That - And You Watch.
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It's Simply Cheaper To Operate The Business
Rush Limbaugh
It's Simply Cheaper To Operate The Business Offshore Than It Is Domestically Because Of The Tax Rate, 35%, Which Is Higher Than Anywhere Else In The Industrialized World. And One Of The Things The Trump Team Says They're Gonna Do Is Lower That To 15%. And If They Do, Folks, You Haven't Seen Anything Yet. If They Succeed In That - And You Watch.
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