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I've Had People Say, "you Know, This 'hope And Change' Business, Rush, It's Just As Dangerous As, 'make America Great Again,' All The Specifics." And What You're Really Saying - Even Though You Didn't Voice This - Is Barack Obama Ended Up Being An Authoritarian. He Ended Up Being Supported As An Authoritarian Because His Wacko Base Wanted That Stuff Done - I.e., They Wanted Conservatives Humiliated And Defeated And Ticked Off And Mad And Losing Everything, And They Didn't Care How Obama Did.
-Rush Limbaugh
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I've Had People Say, "you Know, This

Rush Limbaugh
I've Had People Say, "you Know, This 'hope And Change' Business, Rush, It's Just As Dangerous As, 'make America Great Again,' All The Specifics." And What You're Really Saying - Even Though You Didn't Voice This - Is Barack Obama Ended Up Being An Authoritarian. He Ended Up Being Supported As An Authoritarian Because His Wacko Base Wanted That Stuff Done - I.e., They Wanted Conservatives Humiliated And Defeated And Ticked Off And Mad And Losing Everything, And They Didn't Care How Obama Did.
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