I Looked Him In The Eye, "i Will Always Love You." Then Plunged The Stake Into His Chest. It Wasn't As Precise A Blow As I Would Have Liked, Not With The Skilled Way He Was Dodging. I Struggled To Get The Stake In Deep Enough To His Heart, Unsure If I Could Do It From This Angle. Then, His Struggles Stopped. His Eyes Stared At Me, Stunned, And His Lips Parted, Almost Into A Smile, Albeit A Grisly And Pained One. "that's What I Was Supposed To Say..." He Gasped Out.
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I Looked Him In The Eye, "i

Richelle Mead
I Looked Him In The Eye, "i Will Always Love You." Then Plunged The Stake Into His Chest. It Wasn't As Precise A Blow As I Would Have Liked, Not With The Skilled Way He Was Dodging. I Struggled To Get The Stake In Deep Enough To His Heart, Unsure If I Could Do It From This Angle. Then, His Struggles Stopped. His Eyes Stared At Me, Stunned, And His Lips Parted, Almost Into A Smile, Albeit A Grisly And Pained One. "that's What I Was Supposed To Say..." He Gasped Out.
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