I'll Need You To Get A Leash For My Monkey, Claude, And Also A Hat." "of Course, Monsieur" "do You Think He Needs A Little Coat As Well?" "perhaps Not In This Weather, Monsieur." "you Are Right," Magnus Said With A Sight. "make It A Simple Dressing Gown, Just Like Mine." "which One, Monsieur?" "the One In Rose And Silver." "excellent Choice, Monsieur.
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I'll Need You To Get A Leash

Cassandra Clare
I'll Need You To Get A Leash For My Monkey, Claude, And Also A Hat." "of Course, Monsieur" "do You Think He Needs A Little Coat As Well?" "perhaps Not In This Weather, Monsieur." "you Are Right," Magnus Said With A Sight. "make It A Simple Dressing Gown, Just Like Mine." "which One, Monsieur?" "the One In Rose And Silver." "excellent Choice, Monsieur.
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