He (jace) Glanced Down At His Bound Hands. His Wrists And Shoulders Had Gone From Aching To Hard, Stabbing Pain, But He Didn’t Wince As The Inquisitor Regarded One Of The Blades, Named It Jophiel, And Plunged It Into The Polished Wooden Floorboards At Her Feet. He Waited, But Nothing Happened. “boom,” He Said Eventually. “was Something Supposed To Happen There?” ~pg.303~
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He (jace) Glanced Down At His Bound

Cassandra Clare
He (jace) Glanced Down At His Bound Hands. His Wrists And Shoulders Had Gone From Aching To Hard, Stabbing Pain, But He Didn’t Wince As The Inquisitor Regarded One Of The Blades, Named It Jophiel, And Plunged It Into The Polished Wooden Floorboards At Her Feet. He Waited, But Nothing Happened. “boom,” He Said Eventually. “was Something Supposed To Happen There?” ~pg.303~
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