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Campaigns Are Fun. Campaigns Are Police Escorts, They're Airplanes, They're Crowds, They're Balloons, They're Bands, A Lot Of Fun. You Speak In Vague Generalities. You Get Applause For Slogans. And Then Governing Comes. And Governing Is Tedious And It's Difficult An It's Time-consuming And It Demands Your Attention. And Policy Isn't Vague Generalities. It's Specifics And It's Based On Knowledge.
-Mark Shields
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Campaigns Are Fun. Campaigns Are Police Escorts,

Mark Shields
Campaigns Are Fun. Campaigns Are Police Escorts, They're Airplanes, They're Crowds, They're Balloons, They're Bands, A Lot Of Fun. You Speak In Vague Generalities. You Get Applause For Slogans. And Then Governing Comes. And Governing Is Tedious And It's Difficult An It's Time-consuming And It Demands Your Attention. And Policy Isn't Vague Generalities. It's Specifics And It's Based On Knowledge.
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