After Listening To Modern Tirades Against The Great Creeds Of The Church, One Receives A Shock When One Turns To The Westminster Confession... And Discovers That In Doing So One Has Turned From Shallow Modern Phrases To A "dead Orthodoxy" That Is Pulsating With Life In Every Word. In Such Orthodoxy There Is Life Enough To Set The Whole World Aglow With Christian Love.
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After Listening To Modern Tirades Against The

John Gresham Machen
After Listening To Modern Tirades Against The Great Creeds Of The Church, One Receives A Shock When One Turns To The Westminster Confession... And Discovers That In Doing So One Has Turned From Shallow Modern Phrases To A "dead Orthodoxy" That Is Pulsating With Life In Every Word. In Such Orthodoxy There Is Life Enough To Set The Whole World Aglow With Christian Love.
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